Switch image

Cherry MX Black

  • Linear
  • 60G force
  • MX stem
  • Cherry
  • 2.00mm pre travel
  • 4.00mm travel
  • Nylon Top Housing
  • Nylon Bottom Housing
  • POM Stem
  • Normal Spring
A moderately stiff linear keyswitch. The resistance ensures an accurate key press ideal for some gamers. Its linear feel, combined with a slightly higher spring force, has made this keyswitch popular in industrial and point-of-sale environments.

User Reviews

May 09, 2020
  • Gaming 10
  • Typing 10
  • Balance 10
Cherry MX Black is the BEST mechanical switches i have ever used.
March 28, 2020
  • Gaming 10
  • Typing 10
  • Balance 10
My main keyboard switches. I have keyboards with gateron blacks, outemu blues, kaihl box whites, but still i prefer those. They keep getting better by time.
February 21, 2020
  • Gaming 10
  • Typing 8
  • Balance 10
Having tried a lot of switches, and regretted many of them, I really think blacks are the one. The clickiness is fun, going clack clack clack and such, but you'll get over it, and you'll want the smoothness instead. Imo DSA keycaps with cherry mx black (or gateron, those things are smooth af) are the only thing better than buckling spring.
January 28, 2020
  • Gaming 10
  • Typing 10
  • Balance 10
best switches when you want it to require of bit of force w/o the loud a** clicks. Helps avoid the mistypes you get with red switches
December 17, 2019
  • Gaming 1
  • Typing 1
  • Balance 1
The linear key-press feels terrible if you've ever used a real keyboard.
December 02, 2019
  • Gaming 10
  • Typing 10
  • Balance 10
gives me hacks
August 02, 2019
  • Gaming 10
  • Typing 8
  • Balance 9
surprisingly better than i thought. great for gaming. seems to give more accuracy. similar to the red switches but with slightly more resistance
July 15, 2019
  • Gaming 8
  • Typing 6
  • Balance 7
Good for gaming when you need deliberate keystrokes, tough to type on for an extended period of time.
June 30, 2019
  • Gaming 3
  • Typing 1
  • Balance 3
One of the worst feeling switches on the market way too stiff and so scratchy, the scratchiness is so bad its actually pretty loud!
June 14, 2019
  • Gaming 8
  • Typing 8
  • Balance 8
Great all-rounder in my experience. Sadly, I still find the 60cN force to be light for my fingers since I have heavy fingers.
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Switch Images

Cherry MX Black thumb
Cherry MX Black thumb
Cherry MX Black thumb
Cherry MX Black thumb
Cherry MX Black thumb
Cherry MX Black thumb